Each year, IEEE introduces new publications to address growing areas of research that transform our lives. These new publications provide important new opportunities to enable researchers around the world to share their latest research in these fields with the scholarly community and for IEEE Xplore users to learn more about these technologies. In 2024 and 2025, IEEE will introduce new publications covering technologies such as cybernetics, immersive displays, privacy, sensors, electron devices, electromagnetics, energy sustainability, and more. Coverage of all of these technologies can be found in current and forthcoming publications from IEEE. Listed below are several new titles coming from IEEE in 2024 and 2025:
New Fully Open Access Journals
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Electromagnetics, Antennas and Propagation – more information to come, this journal is scheduled to launch in 2025.
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Letters
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Letter (SMC-L) publishes shorter papers in short turn times that provides hot and break-through ideas, highly-impact breaking news, significant theoretical findings, and innovative applications in the same scope of SMC towards the next generation of symbiotic human-machine intelligence systems. L-SMC covers the areas of systems science and engineering, human-machine systems, computational social systems, and cybernetics. L-SMC is established to take over all of the shorter papers from SMC transactions for rapid publication. L-SMC synergizes theories of systems, communication, control, cybernetics, stochastics, and optimization towards the formation of a general theory of systems science. It explores systems engineering technologies encompassing system specification, modeling, simulation, and experimentation methodologies. It studies data, structures, and methods in human factors engineering. It seeks systems design, test, and assessment methods. It covers system engineering applications in biological, ecological, socio-economical, computer informatics, and human-machine systems. This journal was launched in 2024.
IEEE Open Journal on Immersive Displays
The IEEE Open Journal on Immersive Displays (OJID) will be home to publications in display science and applications. The field of displays is diverse, ranging from the science and engineering of materials and devices to their application in high definition, form-factor-independent displays featuring interactivity, virtual and augmented reality, and 3D content. Submissions on advanced fabrication processing, thin film active and passive devices, and lifetime and reliability evaluation are welcome when display is the focus or where there is a direct relationship to the nature of the display system. Tutorial and review papers extending the frontiers of immersive display technologies and novel applications are also published. This journal was launched in 2024.
IEEE Transactions on Privacy
The IEEE Transactions on Privacy provides a multidisciplinary forum for theoretical, methodological, engineering, and applications aspects of privacy and data protection, including specification, design, implementation, testing, and validation. Privacy, in this context, is defined as the freedom from unauthorized intrusion in its broadest sense, arising from any activity in information collection, information processing, information dissemination or invasion. The transactions publishes articles reporting significant advances in theoretical models and formalization as well as engineering tools supporting the above activities, design frameworks and languages, architectures, infrastructures, model-based approaches, study cases, and standards. This journal was launched in 2024.
IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Sensors
The IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Sensors publishes papers in all areas of the field of interest of the IEEE Sensors Council, i.e., the theory, design, simulation, fabrication, manufacturing and application of devices for sensing and transducing physical, chemical, and biological phenomena, with emphasis on the electronics, physics and reliability aspects of sensors and integrated sensor-actuators. The Journal is built exclusively from papers on selected topics of current interest to the Sensors community. This journal was launched in 2024.
IEEE Data Descriptions
IEEE Data Descriptions is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes short articles on all aspects of data: data descriptors, data collections, and metadata. Its overarching purpose is to promote publicly available datasets (open access or subscription-based access) in support of reproducible science while at the same time bringing insights into the associated dataset, data collection methods, and data quality. The metadata collected provides enhanced dataset discoverability and creates a foundation for future data science tools such as auto-discovery and mashups. This journal was launched in 2024.
IEEE Sensors Reviews
The IEEE Sensors Reviews publishes authoritative review papers in all areas of the field of interest of the IEEE Sensors Council, i.e., the theory, design, fabrication, manufacturing and application of devices for sensing and transducing physical, chemical, and biological phenomena, with the emphasis on electronics, physics and reliability aspects of sensors and integrated sensor-actuators. The Journal is built exclusively from review papers and perspectives, that have limited novelty and summarize the findings of existing literature, on topics of current and emerging interest to the Sensors community. This journal was launched in 2024.
New Hybrid Journals
IEEE Energy Sustainability Magazine
IEEE Energy Sustainability Magazine is dedicated to the dissemination of information and practices on all matters related to environmental sustainability and climate change, as they relate to electric power system operation and planning. The prevailing sustainability topics will address the challenges of climate change by advocating for strategies that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This includes adopting energy-efficient technologies, promoting sustainable power generation resources, and supporting policies that limit carbon emissions. The prospective articles will also address the sustainable transitioning from non-renewable energy sources (such as fossil fuels) to renewable sources (such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power) as a crucial aspect of environmental sustainability, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigates climate change. This journal is scheduled to launch in 2025.
IEEE Reliability Magazine
The scope of the IEEE Reliability Magazine includes both hardware and software reliability. Articles are oriented toward practical aspects of reliability and the application of reliability engineering. Content includes a combination of opinion-based, discussion-based articles, and peer-reviewed articles. The articles may focus on reliability in a number of current and emerging fields. The Magazine offers educational materials such as technical review papers, book reviews, professional development activities, industrial and university profiles, conference news, and a calendar of important events. This journal was launched in 2024.
IEEE Transactions on Materials for Electron Devices
The IEEE Transactions on Materials for Electron Devices (T-MAT) publishes contributed and invited articles of different formats in the broad field of materials for electron devices and their interconnects. The focus of T-MAT is on the applied aspects of electronic materials, as well as fundamentals directly relevant to individual and integrated device engineering and fabrication. This journal was launched in 2024.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Practice
The IEEE Robotics and Automation Practice (RAP) seeks to publish results whose value to the practitioner is clear. Articles can include algorithms, code, methodologies, and designs that demonstrate either improvements over the state of the art or a new practical application. Empirical studies, in-depth case studies, and other experimental works that contribute to the body of knowledge in the practice of robotics and automation are also considered. Finally, articles that report on trends and developments that have impact are welcome. All application domains as described in the scope of the journals sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) are acceptable. This journal was launched in 2024.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Artificial Intelligence
The IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Artificial Intelligence (TCASAI) publishes contributions related to circuits and systems for artificial intelligence, including circuit and electronic system design, implementation, and demonstration. This journal was launched in 2024.
IEEE Transactions on Field Robotics
The IEEE Transactions on Field Robotics (T-FR) focuses on robotics designed to operate in unstructured environments. Papers should describe the application of technologies such as sensing, design, computing architectures, communication, and learning to unstructured domains such as construction, agriculture, mining, space, and search and rescue. Meta-studies and reproducibility analyses of previously published results are encouraged as well as reports of extended field experiments that validate fielded autonomous systems. T-FR will not publish articles in which experimental validation is restricted to simulation or controlled laboratory experiments. This journal was launched in 2024.
IEEE Electron Devices Reviews
The IEEE Electron Devices Reviews (EDR) publishes review papers, special topics, tutorial papers, history, and plenary lectures on fundamental physical electronics, basic physical electronics, and all aspects of manufacturing related to electron and ion devices. This journal was launched in 2024.
>> Watch for more information on these new journals coming soon!
Follow the links above for more information on the scope and calls for papers announcements for each title. You can follow the links on the journal homepage in IEEE Xplore to submit an article, set a journal alert or add to your favorites. Please click here to download the full title list of IEEE fully OA and hybrid titles.
*Above information accurate as of January 2025. Please note information on new titles is subject to change.