Politechnika Lubelska
In 2020 Lublin University of Technology has signed an agreement with the IEEE publisher allowing authors to publish scientific articles without any additional open access charges (APC). This includes both fully open access and hybrid IEEE journals. The prerequisite is having a positive review from the publisher.
The programme is intended for employees of the Lublin University of Technology who act as corresponding authors.
When submitting a text, the corresponding affiliation should be indicated and then, after receiving notification that the article has been accepted for publication, the RightsLink system should be used. At this stage, you should select funding from the IEEE Open.
In order to find more information about the program, please visit our website: https://biblioteka.pollub.pl/.
Contact our coordinator of publishing programs Katarzyna Panasiewicz: k.panasiewicz@pollub.pl or Open Access Partner Katarzyna Weinper: k.weinper@pollub.pl