Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)
The Federal University of Ceará is an independent agency linked to the Ministry of Education. It was created as a result of a broad movement of public opinion. It was created by Law No. 2,373, on December 16, 1954, and installed on June 25 of the following year. Headquartered in Fortaleza, the state capital, UFC is an arm of the Ceará Higher Education system and its operations are based throughout the state of Ceará, in order to meet the different levels of demands of society.
The Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), through the national contract between CAPES and IEEE has an unlimited open access agreement with IEEE that enables researchers to publish articles as open access without open access fees in all IEEE fully and hybrid open access journals. The agreement applies to all original research articles accepted for publication between 5 November 2024 – 30 October 2027. To benefit from this agreement, the corresponding author has to be affiliated with Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Please use the correct institution name and your institutional email address during submission. It is recommended for authors to select the CC BY 4.0 license. The open access funding request will be approved by an OA administrator at CAPES. Overlength page charges or color fees are not covered by the agreement and will be charged to authors.