IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity, has entered an Open Access Read and Publish agreements in 2021 with a number of new institutions and organizations that include:
- CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research – Read the full press release
- IReL, the Irish higher education consortium – Read the full press release
- FinELib, the Finnish higher education consortium – Read the full press release
With these new agreements, researchers and other users at the participating institutions will be able to access IEEE journals, conferences, and standards via the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library. The agreements also make it more convenient for affiliated corresponding authors to publish open access articles with IEEE, as article processing charges (APCs) are prepaid by the institution’s centrally funded IEEE open access APC account. These transformative read and publish agreements enable corresponding authors to publish open access articles in IEEE’s industry-leading journals, and provides reading access to over five million documents from the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
For more information on IEEE Open Access solutions for institutions, please visit our Institutional Partner page, where you can find a complete list of organizations that have open access agreements with IEEE.